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Coastal Plain Chapter GNPS Garden Grant Application

What Projects are Eligible?

 Native Plant Educational Gardens are small sites (0.5 acres or less) for the establishment of native plant gardens or displays for educational purposes.  The garden/display must provide habitat resources (e.g., pollinator garden, bird/wildlife habitat) and be installed on public properties such as schools, parks, or nature centers. The plants installed should be both regionally appropriate and adapted to the physical conditions of the site. Projects require design, planting native species, and possibly physical alteration to create appropriate site conditions. Non-native invasive plant removal will be required if present.

What Funds are Available? 

Funding up to $200 cash and $100 of native plants (or $300 in native plants) may be available from the Coastal Plain Chapter, GNPS (CPC), depending on the site location, CPC resources, and input of resources (match) by the grantee.

Applications for funding are accepted by CPC from January through March and
August through December of each year. Applications after March 31 may be rolled over to Fall of the same year for consideration.

Organizations awarded a grant may apply for another CPC Native Plant Educational Garden Grant yearly for up to three years.